Music with a Twist...

Our Fearless Leader

Dexoflex is an international group of musicians headed by Dex Graham.  Our music spans rock, pop, jazz, lo-fi, ambient, alternative, and experimental genres. Our musicians and singers, engineers, and videographers  come from the US, UK, Spain, Poland, Sri Lanka, South Africa, and Indonesia. Always looking for musicians and artists to collaborate with.  MUSICIANS: Contact us if you hear our music and think, "I speak that language, too!" 

Our motto is "Music With A Twist."  If we're doing our job well, you'll hear music as you've never heard it before. Hopefully, you'll like what you hear.  Sign up today!


Dexoflex is proudly represented by BIG Records.

Dexoflex is proudly represented by From The Depths Entertainment.

Latest Tracks

Getting hotter: Time for some chill.